HRMD 310 Organizational Behaviour Assignment Sample UAEU, UAE
This is a free assignment solution on organizational behavior whose course code is HRMD 310.
In today’s dynamic and rapidly changing business environment, the success of any organization depends on the ability of its members at all levels to work concertedly to achieve the strategic goals of the organization.
This course covers basic analysis and applications of modern theories and techniques for understanding human behavior in organizational contexts. The course discusses the basic knowledge on the dynamics, determinants, and outcomes of individual and group behavior in organizations.
Topics covered include determinants of motivation, individual and group decision making, organizational communication, team dynamics, leadership, power, and politics in organizations, and conflict resolution. The prerequisite of the course is a minimum of a D grade certificate on MGMT 200.
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HRMD 310 Organizational Behaviour Learning Outcomes
Organizational behavior is the academic study of how people interact within groups. The principles of the study of organizational behavior are applied primarily in attempts to make businesses operate more effectively. At the end of the course, students will be able to learn the following aspects:
Demonstrate Knowledge Of Various Fundamental Theories In The Business Environment.
Fundamental theories of team building
- Forming: The initial stage of team development during which individuals have not yet gelled together. Everybody is busy finding their place in the team, sizing each other up, and asking themselves why they are here.
- Storming: People begin to see themselves as part of a team. However at this stage, they may challenge each other, and the team leader, about such things as what the team is doing, and how things should be done.
- Norming: This is the phase where team members start to come together, developing processes, establishing ground rules, clarifying who does what, and how things will be done. This phase is characterized by a growing sense of togetherness. Find out more about both the Storming and Norming phases in our article: Team Building Concepts.
- Performing: This is the final stage where increased focus on both the task and on team relationships, combine to provide synergy. Performance is delivered through people working effectively together.
Theories of Conflict Management
Conflict is defined as a disagreement between individuals. It can vary from a mild disagreement to a win-or-lose, emotion-packed, confrontation. There are two theories of conflict management.
- The traditional theory is based on the assumption that conflicts are bad, are caused by trouble makers, and should be subdued.
- The contemporary theory recognizes that conflicts between human beings are unavoidable. They emerge as a natural result of change and can be beneficial to the organization if managed efficiently.
- The current theory considers innovation as a mechanism for bringing together various ideas and viewpoints into a new and different fusion. An atmosphere of tension, and hence conflict, is thus essential in any organization committed to developing or working with new ideas.
Theories of Leadership
Leadership theory studies the qualities of good leaders. Some of the leadership aspects they consider include:
- Personality traits
- Actions
- Environment
- Situation
- Decision-making process
- How to input is received
- How relationships are maintained
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Express Their Knowledge Of Conceptual Frameworks
There are many conceptual frameworks defined in organizational behavior. Some of them are as follows:
- Individual Differences: The idea of individual difference comes originally from psychology. From the day of birth, each person is unique, and personal experiences after birth tend to make people even more different.
- Perception: Peoples’ perceptions are also different when they see an object. Two people can differently present the same object. And this is occurring for their experiences. A person always organizes and interprets what he sees according to his lifetime of experience and accumulated value.
- A whole person: An employee’s personal life is not detached from his working life. We cannot separate it. So the manager should treat an employee as a whole person.
- Motivated Behavior: Some motivations are necessary to enrich the quality of work. A path toward increased need fulfillment is the better way to enhances the quality of work.
- The desire for involvement: Every employee is actively seeking opportunities to work to involve in decision-making problems. They hunger for the chance to share what they know and to learn from the experience.
- Holistic concept: When the fundamental concepts of OB are placed together, a holistic concept emerges. This concept interprets people-organization relationships regarding the whole person, the whole group, the whole organization, and the whole social system.
Identify The Central Theories Of Human Motivation And Decision Making
The central theory of Human Motivation
Motivation is a huge field of study. There are many theories of motivation. Some of the famous motivation theories include the following:
- Physiological: Physical survival necessities such as food, water, and shelter.
- Safety: Protection from threats, deprivation, and other dangers.
- Social (belongingness and love): The need for association, affiliation, friendship, and so on.
- Self-esteem: The need for respect and recognition.
- Self-actualization: The opportunity for personal development, learning, and fun/creative/challenging work. Self-actualization is the highest level need to which a human being can aspire.
Decision-Making Theories
There are three main areas of decision theory. Each studies a different type of decision-making.
- Descriptive decision theory: describes the typical manner in which agents make decisions, some of them rational, some of them intuitive, some of them quite irrational.
- Prescriptive decision theory: tries to provide guidelines for agents to make the best possible decisions given an uncertain decision-making framework.
- Normative decision theory: guides making decisions given a set of values.
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Recognize And Communicate Individual Differences And Diversity In An Organizational Context
Individual Differences
Individual differences are how people differ from each other. Every member of an organization has their way of behavior. Managers need to understand individual differences because they influence the feelings, thoughts, and behavior of employees. Individual differences can be divided into two categories:
- Personality differences
- Capacity differences
Diversity in an Organization
Diversity refers to identity-based differences among and between people that affect their lives as applicants, employees, and customers. Surface-level diversity represents characteristics of readily visible individuals, including, but not limited to, age, body size, visible disabilities, race, or sex. Deep-level diversity includes traits that are nonobservable such as attitudes, values, and beliefs. Finally, hidden diversity includes traits that are deep-level but may be concealed or revealed at the discretion of individuals who possess them.
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