



Finance Assignment


FINC670 Advanced Risk Management Assignment UAEU UAE

FINC670 Advanced Risk Management Assignment Sample UAEU 

United Arab Emirates University comes up with a new assignment named FINC670 Advanced risk management where the name itself connotes its core meaning.


The course covers the financial risk management that is nowadays a major concern for every corporate. The assignment envisages sessions as well as research learning that makes the students more capable to understand in-depth knowledge of advanced risk management. No business time without risk but it is an indispensable factor to discover the extent of risk in it and to control it.

The course aims to reduce the risk involves in finance that is one of the core branches of any corporate. Without sound finance, a successful corporate could not be possible, and FINC670 advanced risk management by United Arab Emirates University pointed the same within its umbrella.

Every assignment proves beneficial only when it gives proven learning outcomes and this assignment confer the following:-


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FINC670 Advanced Risk Management Course Learning Outcomes

1.Demonstrate Proficiency In Computer Applications Relevant To Financial Risk Management And Problem Solving.

A computer application for financial responsibility is a must nowadays and, the course includes the education of computer in the same that works as a major solution for the advanced risk management.

The principles on which risk management works embodies certain computer application that reduce the obstacles from finance.

This course will teach regarding concepts of computer and elaborate its application concerning financial risk management. For a profitable corporate, computer application becomes a must that strengthens the area of finance and the world as an asset to it.

To manage finance effectively, certain computer applications such as excel works as problem-solving.

2.Explain The Role Of Derivatives In Financial Risk Management

The course inculcates an indispensable role of derivatives that would determine risk management.

A proper study and analysis of derivatives enable the managers to foresee the risk and then take the decision accordingly. Derivatives are one of the key reasons to decide on present expeditiously.

Derivatives are the values that determine the position of the market in the upcoming session and provide financial support to the companies.

The course explains thoroughly the role of derivatives in financial risk management and how this works.

Derivatives provide a comprehensive and technical guide to the financial managers to decide what to do so that result appears to be affirmative.

Experts and professionals of United Arab Emirates University illustrate the function of derivatives in a market and their working mechanism.

The practices of derivates in the market are of utmost importance and course elucidate the same in respect to financial risk management.


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3.Identify And Categorize The Various Financial Risks Facing Organizations, Especially Banks.

For any finance-related course, the banks and role of financial institution can not be overlooked and in this course, FINC670 discusses the major risk facing organizations and their reasons that would help the students during the program.

Due to instability in the market and chiefly the Covid situation, the financial institution especially banks are facing a lot of crises. In such a hardship, this course works as a yardstick for the students to learn and experience the various financial risk facing organizations and price a real-time solution to them.

The help of certain financial theories and models that incorporates in the course assists the students to work in a finance department as.

4.Use Quantitative Methods And Models To Assess Various Types Of Financial Risk.

In the FINC670 advance risk management assignment, one of the more concepts is to furnish the sessions on certain quantitative methods that embody quantitative risk assessment.

Such concepts provide backbone support to assess the condition of financial banks and the failures due to which the extent of risks increases. In advance risk management, the QRA helps the students to experience the empirical approach involved within it.

To calculate the risk in any financial institution is being dominated by the quantify method and other models. We are going to discuss how to quantify and research various types of financial banks.

FINC670 advanced risk management assignment gives way to the practitioners to face risk, and build the analytical skills in the person.

The course makes the students capable fo handle any type of financial risk and provides a way to success.


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5. Use Sophisticated Risk Management Tools And Techniques In Financial Markets And Institutions.

In FINC670 advanced risk management assignment facilitates teachings on sophisticated risk management that can work in financial markets, banks, organizations, etc.

Indeed, every business has a risk factor involved in it but such risk should be managed. This managed risk is incorporated in the course and provides benefits to the financial institution.

As in such type of risk, a person could foresee the benefits, lacunas, perks, and work accordingly for a successful business.

The course teaches the students about a business that runs on sophisticated risk management and other techniques. No establishment could be successful until and unless some sought of risk is involved in it. But if such risk is unmanaged then such an organization could face problems.

Therefore, the course ensures the tools of sophisticated risk management.

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