





Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Essay Sample

Evidence-based practice in Nursing, UAE Essay

In this sample essay, we will learn about evidence-based practice in nursing. 

EBP(Evidence-based Practice) refers to processing, collecting, and implementing research conclusions to enhance the work atmosphere, clinical applications, or patient results. 

EBP in nursing is an alliance of research data, a patient’s preferences, and clinical expertise. Moreover, This problem-solving strategy inspires nurses to accommodate personal patient care.

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Importance of Evidence-Bases Practice in Nursing

Utilizing the EBP strategy in nursing practice encourages us to provide the highest quality and the most affordable patient care possible. 

Moreover, Registered nurses (RN) give care to patients by implementing verified invasions. 

Furthermore, In nursing training, nurses learn about evidence-based practice (EBP), which aids them in pinpointing care strategies that can help their patients. In recent decades, EBP has become a key component of exceptional patient care.

History of Evidence-based practice

In the 19th Century, Florence Nightingale acknowledged the restricted ventilation and unsanitary conditions. That could adversely affect the well-being of patients.

In 1972, Archi Cochrance presented the notion of implementing randomized controlled trials(RTC). 

Then, David Sackett prefaced the term evidence-based medicine. As other healthcare professionals started adopting Sackett’s concept for patient care, it was renamed evidence-based practice.

Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Evidence-based practice(EBP) helps nurses prepare an efficient course of activity for care offering. EBP comprises the subsequent five actions:

  1. Design a clinical query to recognize a problem.
  2. Collect the best data or evidence.
  3. Examine the evidence.
  4. Connect the data to clinical usage.
  5. Evaluate the outcome.


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Skills needed to perform Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

The NMC code stated some of the skills needed for registered nurses to perform EBP are:

  • Must address care based on the most reliable practice or best-prepared evidence
  • Suggesting healthcare products based on evidence 
  • Ability to work with efficient exercises without direct supervision
  • Ability to recognize the work limits and work within the utmost competence
  • Updating knowledge and skills throughout the working life
  • Ability to provide empathy to patients whenever needed
  • Communication concerning variations in the status of a patient.
  • Soft skills to promote patient interaction.
  • Onboarding and Training new nurses.
  • Time scheduling and the impact on care.

Advantages of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

The EBP in nursing equips nurses with experimental analysis to make reliable decisions. With EBP, nurses can keep updated regarding new medical customs for patient supervision. Nurses can enhance the patients’ probability for recovery by examining documented interventions that suit the patients.

Besides, EBP empowers nurses to assess the research to understand the effectiveness or uncertainties of treatments or diagnostic tests. Moreover, The use of EBP permits nurses to involve patients in their care plan.

That enables patients to hold a proactive position in their healthcare. They can assert their concerns, share their preferences and values, and present proposals on how they desire to continue.

Advantages of Evidence-Based Practice for Healthcare Organizations

The application of EBP arises better patient results, which can limit the requirement for healthcare providers. Therefore, healthcare organizations can lessen expenses. 


Although nurses are practicing added evidence-based practices, still scope for advancement is there. Because new studies and evidence are coming, EBP must modify to the most advanced evidence practices. Often, old evidence practices need to improve as new research upturns the systems behind them.

Evidence-based practice in Nursing has developed significantly in recent years, and it will continue to do so. 


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