



Law Assignments


BUS201- Business Law Assignment Answer UAE

BUS201- Business Law Assignment Sample UAE

The course widely discussed about two major streams that are business and law. It makes the course sweeping enough that inculcates major aspects of law concerning for business.

In BUS 201 business law assignment, it give a brief knowledge of business planning and advice, company formation, contract review and business sales or purchase.

To run any business effectively, the most important aspect is to cover it with a legal shield so that it could make as much profit as it can. Yet, the course holds an indispensable position to every aspect of business, whether it’s finance, business management, research, statistics, economics, business scents or every other business field.

The University explains the role of law with respect to business, or any corporation or any other type of enterprise


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BUS201- Business Law course learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the students will learn the fundamentals of law find application business management and following learning outcomes:-

1.How the law is concerned in business and affect the business management?

Every field can not run in vacuum and requires the legal standpoint and the course BUS 201 Business law assignment designed to furnish the legal knowledge to the students.

The course discuss the legal area such as company formation, contract review, sale, purchase, etc and elucidate the various agendas that affect the business administration. In any organisation, there are two core components of it, that are business management and business administration.

And the course explain how the business administration inclusive of legal points affect the business management. Until and unless, the students of business, economics, finance don’t comprehend legal aspect, it could not be able to perform their roles and responsibilities expeditiously.

2.What is the role of law in business and agendas of business law?

In the course, BUS 201 business law talks about various agendas as to business entities, legal requirements, liability issues, and fundraising.

As the business is considered as a legal entity that holds it’s own title, property, identification no., perpetual succession, etc and that can be sue or sued. The course also illustrates the memorandum of understanding and memorandum of association where the experts explain the legal impacts of the same.

Every enterprise or organization needs to fulfilled certain legal requirements as to lat liability and taxation aspects. These two components are the major law aspects when it comes to business management and the course thoroughly describe how these two components affect any establishment.


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3.Critically analysis the various types of corporation?

In course, BUS 201 business law assignment examine the various types of cooperation , as the nature of each organization decides the extent of it’s legal standpoint.

Some of such types are sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, corporation, A corporation, B corporation, etc. The specialized professionals also explain the nature, taxation and liability attach to such businesses.

As the name suggest in limited liability partnership where liability of the partners are limited to the extent subject to certain exceptions. Yet, the course provide in-depth information for all such various types of businesses.

4. How taxtion and liability effects the business and its management

These two elements are the chief factors that affect any business and in every type of corporation these two have distinguished impacts. In the course, BUS 201 business law the faculties gives a brief knowledge about how the taxation works and what us the taxation and liability mechanism in respect of any operation. As an instance, in the Corporation type, there is double taxation shielded from liability whereas in the S corporation, there is single liability shielded from liability. Therefore, with the help of this course, a student can effectively perform all its task and operation.

5. What are the liabilities issues that arise in any business and how to protect from such liabilities

Every organization incurs liability as well as assets and both such concept could only be understand when legal standpoint unveil. Course unveil such liability issues that arise in any corporation such as contract disputes, malpractice, employees liability, and premises liability. Moreover, the course also furnish knowledge regarding the various ways to protect the legal entity from it’s liability such as insurance, well written policies, systematically drafted contracts, intellectual property rights. The course briefly explain the appropriate intellectual property rights and the way to co strued any legal document along with the rules and regulation to run business.


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6. How business can raise fund legally.

Every startup requires fund to establish it and there are various ways to raise fund. Many times a business need fund to grow the company’s productivity, ehsncr the growth or strengthen the revenue aspect. This course deliberately facilitate all the ways by which fund could be raise and such budget can provide a relief to the concerned. Such aspect of raising fund is one of the big support or work as financial assistance in the business management. Course discuss all the data thoroughly, as some of the ways are via loan,securities, stock exchange, de entries, bomds, private offerings, etc. How to initiate the fund value could easily be understand by the session of this course.

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